Saturday, August 1, 2009

It's True! The Mainstream Media is Liberal!

We've all heard the accusation from conservatives that the mainstream media in America has a liberal bias. Well, maybe they're not liberal, but they do have less sympathy for conservatives—probably because the majority of them are psychotic.

It makes sense to me that the media is biased. They're journalists. They go out of their own environment and learn new facts, experience other realities, and in many cases, they end up empathizing with people who are different from them. It's not that they're biased in favor of liberals or Democrats; they're biased in favor of facts, and how dare they?!

At least, that's true for the journalists themselves. The executives are biased too, but instead of being biased in favor of facts, they're biased in favor of making money. That's what prevents the media from actually displaying their bias in favor of facts.

The problem is, not everyone in this country makes decisions based in reality. Treating them as if they do is simply dishonest. What comes off as objectivitiy in the media, is actually just popular bull shit that makes money.

Despite the journalists' personal opinions, they still do an amazingly good job of treating the crazies with as much respect as people who are based in reality. A damn shame.

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